Santorini, Megaron Gyzi Museum, Greece (2016)
Ano Syros, Greece (2015)
Gallery Akroproro, Spetses, Greece (2013)
Posidonio, Spetses, Greece (2011)
Athens, Gallery Argo, Greece (2011)
Molivos (Lesvos), Municipal Gallery, Greece (2010)
Syros, Cultural Center, Greece (2010)
Mykonos, Municipal Gallery, Greece (2008)
Athens, Gallery Argo, Greece (2008)
Chania, Crete, Greece (2005)
Athens, IST Studies, Greece (2004)
Mykonos Municipal Gallery, Greece (2003)
Athens, Gallery Argo, Greece (2000)
Molivos (Lesvos), Municipal Gallery, Greece (1999)
Syros, Cultural Center, Greece, (1998)
Chios, Municipal Gallery, Greece, (1997)
Athens, Gallery Argo, Greece (1996)
Molivos (Lesvos), Municipal Gallery, Greece (1995)
Mykonos, Municipal Gallery, Greece (1994)
Nicosia, Gallery Argo, Cyprus (1993)
Athens, Gallery Argo, Greece (1992)
Athens, British Council, Greece (1987)
Athens, British Council, Greece (1982)
Athens, Govostis, Greece (1975)
Athens, Gallery Rotonda, Greece (1972)
Oxford, Pradevaru Gallery, England (1971)
Rome, Galleria la Marguttiana, Italy (1968)
Filothei, Athens (1967)
Filothei, Athens, (1964)



Has taken part in all Panhellinic Exhibitions since 1967 (except 1988).
Has taken part with the International Woman’s Cultural Federation, in many exhibitions in London, Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Venice, Ancona, Bitburg, Meersburg, Athens, Salonica, Patras, Ioannina, Arta, Larissa, Lamia, Nurnberg, etc.
Has also participated in numerous group exhibitions in galleries in Athens such as Argo, Syllogi, Gravures, Kyklos, Aigokeros, etc.

2016 Art Athina, Greek Museum of Prints, Athens, Greece
2016 Art Thessaloniki International Contemporary Art Fair,Thessaloniki, Greece
2016 Print Fest, Union of Greek Printers, “Melina” Cultural Centre, Municipality of Athens, Greece
2015 Enter into Art 2015, Cologne, Germany
2015 Sint-Niklaas 2015 bookplates and small printmaking competition, Belgium
2015 Contemporary Greek Printing, Lavrio
2014 One of six Greek artists selected to exhibit at the Luxembourg Commission on the occasion of the Greek presidency of the European Union
2014 Union of Greek Printers, F.A.A.Th, Thessaloniki and G.Gounaro Museum, Athens,Greece
2013 Contemporary Greek Art Exhibition, Shanghai Artists Association, Shanghai, China
2013 41st International Print “Carmen Arozena”, Madrid, Spain
2012 Lingshi International Print Biennial Exhibtion, China, Award
2012 2nd Athens Print Fest (MIET), Athens, Greek Engravers Association, Greece
2012 Imprint International Screen Print, China
2012 2nd International Print Exhibition, Fushun, China
2012 International Biennial Exhibit 2012 ROC, Taiwan
2011 2nd Lessedra International Painting & Mixed Media Competition
2011 3rd, 2015 5th NBC MESHTEC Tokyo International Screen Print Biennial
2011 16th Space International Print Biennial, Seoul, Korea
2011, 2013 Guanlan International Print Biennial, China, Grand Prize 2011
2010 Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Biennale for Miniature Graphics, Egypt
2010 Foot Print International Center for Contemporary Printmaking, USA
2010 Mini Print International Exhibition, Cultural Association Serenarte, Bologna, Italy
2010 10th International Biennial of Miniature Art, Gornji Milanovac, Serbia
2009 2nd NBC Meshtec, Tokyo International Screen Print Biennial, 8th Prize!
2009 Human Figure In Art, Technopolis of the City of Athens, Greece
2009 XIII International Biennial of Small Graphic Forms and Exlibris – Poland
2009 International Print Biennial, A Collection of Prints, Guanlan, China
2009 Greek Printmaking – an overview, Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, Greece
2009 Greek Engravers Association Printfest – Municipal Gallery of Piraeus, Athens, Greece
2009 Greek Engravers Association Printfest – Municipal Cultural Centre “Melina”, Athens, Greece
2008 Greek Printmaking – an overview, Technopolis of the City of Athens, Greece
2008 International Mini Print Exhibition, Timisoara, Romania
2008 Dedication to Greek Engraving, Rhodes, Greece
2008 Greek Engravers Association, Karditsa Municipal Gallery, Greece
2008 Greek Engravers Association, “Greek Printmaking Today”, Moni Lazariston, Thessaloniki, Greece
2007 International Print Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Museum of the City of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
2007 Greek Engravers Association, Averof Museum, Metsovo, Greece
2006 International Mini-Print Biennial, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2006 Greek Engravers Association, Kairio Library, Andros, Greece
2006 Greek Engravers Association, Municipal Gallery of Athens, Greece
2006 Museum of City of Athens, Greece
2005 Vernal International Biennale of Miniature Art, Serbia & Montenegro.
2005, 2011, 2014 International Biennial of Miniature Arts, Serbia & Montenegro
2005 The “Iosif Iser” International Contemporary Engraving Biennial Exhibition, Romania
2005, 2007 Municipal Gallery “Alekos Kondopoulos, Lamia, Greece (Greek Printers Association)
2005 Municipal Gallery, Agrinio, Greece (Greek Printers Association)
2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013, 2014 Lessedra Mini Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria
2003 The International Festival of Graphic Arts, Cluj – Napoca, Romania
2003 Exhibition of Greek Printers – Greek Chamber of Arts, Athens, Greece
2001 Month of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece
2001 International Print Triennale, Dalarnas Museum, Falun, Sweden
2000 1st Triennale of Greek Printers, Athens, Greece
2000 6th International Biennial of Miniature Art, Milanovac, Yugoslavia
2000, 2004 Sharjah Arts Museum, United Arab Emirates
1999, 2006 Egyptian International Print Triennale, Cairo, Egypt
1999 2nd Autumn Annual – Venice – Italy
1998 International Print Triennale, Kanagawa – Japan
1998 3rd Malaysia Annual Exhibition of International Contemporary Prints Malaysia (Central Academy of Art)
1997 Quatrieme Triennale Mondiale d’ Estampes Petit Format ‘97 Chamaliere – France
1996 1st International Small Graphic Art Addiction ‘96 Stockholm – Sweden
1996 4th Biennale of Graphic Art Beograd ’96, Yugoslavia
1996 Greek Contemporary Printers Schwetzingen (Palais-Hirsch), Germany
1996 9th International Miniature Print Exhibition (Biennal) Seoul Korea
1995,1996,1998,1999,2004,2005,2006,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013, 2014, 2015 Mini Print International de Cadaques, Barcelona, Spain
1995 Greek Contemporary Printers, Athens, Greece
1995, 2002, 2005 International Mini Print Triennale, Tokyo – Japan
1995 8th International Print Biennale, Varna – Bulgaria
1995 1st International Triennal of Graphic Arts, Sofia – Bulgaria
1994 3rd Print Biennale Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1994 Greek Contemporary Printers, Luxemburg, Paris, Kosice (Slovakia), Schwezingen (Germany)
1993 1st Egyptian International Print Triennale – Cairo, Egypt
1993 International Graphic Biennale – Maastricht, Holland
1992 International Graphic Triennale of Krakow – Nurnberg, Germany
1992, 1995, 1999 Norwegian International Print Triennale, Fredrikstad, Norway
1991 Sapporo International Print Biennale, Japan
1991 Greek Contemporary Printers – Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
1991, 1997 International Print Triennal, Cracow, Poland
1991, 1993 International Print Biennale, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1989, 1995 Bharat Bhavan International Biennal of Prints, India
1988 Greek Artists – Moscow, USSR
1988 Greek Artists – Nicosia, Cyprus
1988 Greek Printers – East Berlin, East Germany
1988 Athens – Greek Printers after 2nd World War, National Gallery, Greece
1988 Athens – for International Peace, Greece
1987,1992 International Independante Exhibition of Prints in Kanagawa, Japan
1986 Union of Greek Women Artists – Cultural Centre of Palaio Faliron, Greece
Three exhibitions of Seascapes, Piraeus, (Nautical Week)
1979 Greek Women Artists – Anglohellenic League London, United Kingdom
1977 Greek Contemporary Painters – Villiers Gallery – London, United Kingdom
National Greek Committee, Public Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece
1976 National Greek Committee, Alexandroupolis, Comotini, Greece
1976 Royal Society of British Artists, United Kingdom
1976, 1978 Society of Women Artists – London, United Kingdom
1975 International Association of Fine Arts I.A.G. – Athens, Greece
1975 Union – Artistiques Franco – Europeene, France
1974 Salon International Ete – Paris, France
1974 Salon International de Mai – Biarritz, France
1974 United Society of Artists – London, United Kingdom
1972, Monaco VIIImme Grand Prix International d’ Art Contemporain, Monte Carlo
1972, 1974, 1976, 1982, 1992 Ibizagraphic – Museo de Arte Comtemporaneo de Ibiza, Spain
1972 XXIIIE Grand Prix International De Peinture de Deauville, France
1972, 8mm Grand Prix International De Peinture de la Cote d’ Azur – Cannes, France
1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978 Le Salon – Paris, France
1970, 1973 Salon International Noel – Biarritz, France
1970 The Royal Institute of Oil Painters – London, United Kingdom
1967, 1970, 1971, 1973 National Society – London, United Kingdom
1965, 1969 Grand Prix – Vichy, Switzerland
1964 Panhellinic Youth, Greece
1964, 1965, 1967 Salon d’ Hiver – Paris, France